14 Building an app

14.1 The app concept

An app is perfect for users who wish tot have a focused module of analysis with multiple operators and views (e.g. PCA).

The building of an app does not require any programming.

14.2 Creating an app

Here is the full procedure to create an app:

  • Create a workflow that you wish to convert to an app
  • Select a generic dataset, preferable from the data designs
  • Prepare the workflow and run it with the generic data
  • Add a wizard step
  • Open the wizard (important)
  • Run the wizard, and answer the questions (factors and filters specification)
  • Remove the input data (table step) and add an Input step and an Output step
  • Open the wizard and fill in:
    • Namespace: appAbbrev
    • App design: appAbbrev.dataDesignName
  • Save the app to apps project within the team

14.3 Publishing an app

All apps who are on a git repository are installable, only the git URL and a tag version number is required for a researcher to install it in Tercen.

14.4 Customising the app for different instruments or data

  • Select an instrument specific pipeline
  • Run the app development workflow with an instrument specific dataset
  • Clone the app to the apps project of the team
  • Run the app and answer questions with new factors and filters
  • Click on the Publish button give name: appAbbrev.dataDesignName
  • Edit the json file with a custom Description and factorName