Create a Project¶
Press the New Project button to create one.
- Name: The project name
- Description: This description will appear on the screen. The search bar will look for keywords in this section.
- Visibility Setting: Public means anybody on the Tercen server can see it.
The project will be visible in the Explore section of Tercen. Unchecking the setting means only the owner (Person or Team) can see it.
A project is a repository for the elements of a data analysis. It contains Data Tables, Files, and Workflows.
- Lock Icon: Closed = Project is private. Open = Project is public.
- Activities Tab: Activity log for this project.
Control Bar¶
- New Data Set: The default method to Upload data files to Tercen.
- New Workflow: Create a data analysis pipeline.
- New file: Create a text file for notes.
- Upload file: Upload non-data files to the project.
- Upload workflow: Upload a workflow exported from another project.
- Project Settings: Change Name, Description or Privacy Settings.
- Clone Project: Make a copy of this project for a new user or team. Anything with a clone icon can be copied to one of your projects or teams.