Data visualisation

Boxplot Shiny operator for Tercen


The Boxplot Shiny operator is an operator to represent data as boxplots in Tercen.

Input projection .
y-axis numeric, measurement to represent
row factor, groups corresponding to different boxes along x axis
column factor (optional), groups corresponding to different plot panels
colors factor (optional), groups for corresponding to box and points coloring
Output relations .
Operator view view of the Shiny application

The operator takes all the values of a cell and represents a boxplot. Depending on the assignment of rows, columns and colors in the Tercen projection, the layout will be different.

Hierarchical clustering tree operator


clustering_tree operator returns a hierarchical clustering tree to be projected in Tercen.

Input projection .
row factor, variables to cluster
col factor, variables to cluster (dist_to variable from a dist operator)
y-axis numeric, pairwise distance (dist variable from a dist operator)
Output relations .
presence numeric, to be projected on y-axis
tree_dim1 factor, to be projected on rows
tree_dim2 factor, to be projected on columns
tip_labels factor, leaf labels, to be projected on rows

Shiny Heatmap Tercen operator


The Shiny Heatmap operator plots a clustered heatmap.

Input projection .
row factor, variables
col factor, observations
y-axis numeric, measurement (corresponding to the color on the heatmap)
Output relations .
Operator view view of the Shiny application

This operator is based on the pheatmap R function.

Worldmap docker operator


A worldmap view in Tercen.
docker build -t agouy/worldmap:$VERSION .
docker push agouy/worldmap:$VERSION
git add -A && git commit -m "$VERSION" && git tag -a $VERSION -m "++" && git push && git push :--tags

Shiny World Map Tercen operator


The shiny_worldmap allows one to plot markers on a world map using Tercen.

Input projection .
y-axis longitude (decimal coordinate)
x-axis latitude (decimal coordinate)
color measurement