
Base change operator


basechange operator performs a basechange calculation of a base value compared to a given data point.

Input projection .
y-axis,layer1 data point to be compared with base
y-axis,layer2 base value
Input parameters .
percentage logical, indicates if the basechange is retuend as a percentage
Output relations .
basechange numeric, basechange value, per cell

basechange operator performs a basechange calculation of a base value compared to a given data point.

eGFR operator


eGFR operator calculates the glomerular filtration rate.

Input projection .
col 2nd factor age, 3rd factor gender
y-axis, layer1 is the value for serum creatine marker
y-axis, layer2 is the value for serum cystatin c marker
Output relations .
eGFR_0 numeric, equation 0 calculation of the GFR estimate (e.g. per cell)
eGFR_1 numeric, equation 1 calculation of the GFR estimate (e.g. per cell)
eGFR_2 numeric, equation 2 calculation of the GFR estimate (e.g. per cell)
eGFR_3 numeric, equation 3 calculation of the GFR estimate (e.g. per cell)

gfr operator estimates Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best overall index of kidney function. Four equations are used to calculate four eGFR values.

equation 0:

    a <- ifelse (gender=="Female", -0.248, -0.207) 
    k <- ifelse (gender=="Female", 0.7, 0.9) 
    eGFR <-  135 * (min(crt/k, 1))^a * (max(crt/k, 1))^-0.601 * (min(cyt/0.8, 1))^-0.375 * (max(cyt/0.8, 1))^-0.711 * 0.995^age
    eGFR <- ifelse (gender=="Female",0.969 * eGFR, eGFR)
    eGFR <- ifelse (race=="Black",1.08 * eGFR, eGFR)

equation 1:

    if (gender == "Female"){
           if   (crt <= 0.7) { eGFR <- 144 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.329  * 0.995^age }
           if   (crt >  0.7) { eGFR <- 144 * (crt/ 0.7)^-1.209 * 0.995^age }
    if (gender == "Male"){
           if   (crt <= 0.9) { eGFR <- 144 * (crt/ 0.9)^-0.411  * 0.995^age }
           if   (crt >  0.9) { eGFR <- 144 * (crt/ 0.9)^-1.209 * 0.995^age }
    eGFR <- ifelse (race=="Black",1.159 * eGFR, eGFR)

equation 2:

      if   (cyt <= 0.8) { eGFR <- 133 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.449 * 0.996^age }
      if   (cyt >  0.8) { eGFR <- 133 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-1.328 * 0.996^age }
    eGFR <- ifelse (gender=="Female",0.932 * eGFR, eGFR)

equation 3:

    if (gender == "Female"){
      if   (crt <= 0.7 || cyt <= 0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.248 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.375 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt <= 0.7 || cyt >  0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.248 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.711 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt >  0.7 || cyt <= 0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.601 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.375 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt >  0.7 || cyt >  0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.601 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.711 * 0.995^age }
    if (gender == "Male"){
      if   (crt <= 0.9 || cyt <= 0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.207 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.375 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt <= 0.9 || cyt >  0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.207 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.711 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt >  0.9 || cyt <= 0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.601 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.375 * 0.995^age }
      if   (crt >  0.9 || cyt >  0.8) { eGFR <- 130 * (crt/ 0.7)^-0.601 * (cyt/ 0.8)^-0.711 * 0.995^age }
      eGFR <- ifelse (race=="Black",1.159 * eGFR, eGFR)

Non Compartmental PK Modelling

Non Compartmental PK Modelling operator.

sNCA operator


snca operator calculates a single non compartamental model for a dose/time series.

Input projection .
col 1st factor is the dose(mg)
y-axis is the value of the serum maker
x-axis is the time(hrs)
Output relations .

snca operator estimates Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best overall index of kidney function. Four equations are used to calculate four eGFR values.

See Also

Upper and lower bounds operator


upperandlowerbounds operator computes an upper and lower bound values as a fraction of a given data point.

Input projection .
y-axis is the input data for the multiplication per cell
Input parameters .
fraction numeric, fraction value
percentage boolean, the relative values are returned as percentages
Output relations .
upperbound_absolute numeric, upper absolute bound value
lowbound_absolute numeric, lower absolute bound value
upperbound_relative numeric, upper relative bound value
lowbound_relative numeric, lower relative bound value

The operator takes the mean value of a cell and calculates an upper bound and a lowerbound. The computation is done per cell. There are four values colculated and returned for each of the input cell.

The operator takes the mean value and calculates an upper bound by adding to it

  upperbound_absolute = value + (value * fraction)
  lowerbound_absolute = value + (value * fraction)
  upperbound_relative = (value * fraction)
  lowerbound_relative = (value * fraction)

Use this operator when wanting to determine upper and lower bounds. These generated bounds are usually used in a downstream data step for a graphics representation using grid lines which correspond to the boundary values (see horizontal grid lines feature)