App: A small workflow composed of steps, visuals and operators. Typically it achieves one task, e.g. PCA app. The PCA app is composed of one result visual and one computation and one data wrangling step.
Cross-tab view: A Tercen interface window to define a projection view (i.e. what is on the: row, col, y-axis, x-axis, color, label).
Library: A repository of Tercen modules.
Long format: A format where every row is a measurement.
Measurement: A numerical variable
Module: A plug-in to Tercen. It can be an operator, app, or template.
Observation: An observation is the factor name given to a value (measurement), at a particular moment in time, of a particular variable.
Operator: An operator computes on data supplied to it by the projection view defined using the cross-tab window.
Projection: A projection is defined using the cross-tab window.
Step: A single step allows for a visual projection and optionally a computation using an operator.
Template: A templatised workflow.
Variable: A variable is a characteristic of a unit being observed that may assume more than one of a set of values to which a numerical measure or a category from a classification can be assigned (e.g. income, age, weight, etc., and “occupation”, “industry”, “disease”, etc.
Wide format: A format where every column is a variable.
Workflow: A sequence of steps or apps to achieve an analysis pipeline.