11 Release Workflow

Once you are satisfied with your operator, you can release your operator by following the steps described below.

11.1 1. Edit the operator.json file

You should first edit the container field of the operator.json file so that it matched the version number you would like to push (here, 0.0.1 for example).

11.2 2. Push your changes and tag the repository

After pushing your latest commit, you can add the same version number as a tag from the command line as follows:

git tag 0.0.1

Then push it with this command:

git push --tags

11.3 3. Wait and check the results of the release workflow

The same way a workflow is triggered after each commit, tagging a repository will trigger another workflow, release.yaml. This workflow that will build and push the Docker image, tag it with the run the unit tests. Once the workflow is run, you can verify it has been successful. If that is the case, you are now ready to install your operator in a Library.