3 Setting up Tercen Studio
If you wish to develop operators then you need to set up a development environment.
Installing Tercen Studio
1. Install docker-compose
First you need to install docker-compose.
For Windows:
If you use Windows, you can install Docker-Desktop for Windows that includes docker-compose
Advise: Select the WSL 2 backend system option when installing on Windows.
For Mac and Linux:
Check out how to install docker-compose on Mac or Linux.
2. Clone tercen-studio repository
Then, get tercen-studio by cloning the following repository:
You then need to create the tercen
network by running the following command.
docker network create tercen
The latest instructions on how to install Tercen Studio can be found in the README of the Tercen Studio GitHub repository.
Starting Tercen Studio
Once docker-compose
is installed and the tercen-studio
repository cloned, you can start tercen by running:
You can run Tercen by going to
Username: admin
Password: admin
You can run RStudio by going to
Username: rstudio
Password: tercen
You can run VS Code by going to
- Password: tercen
Now you’re all set!