Chapter 2 Get the data

In this section you retrieve some example data from the Internet. This data is used later in the guide.

The data set for this guide is available online as a git hub repository.

  • Go the file, by clicking on the following git hub address:


  • Once it opens, right click and select Save as...

Save your data on your desktop. Use the default name (it should be crabs_longformat.csv).

Crab data description:

The data set is called “crabs” and it is in a long format. It has a total of 1000 measurements of crab physical traits. It is composed of four groups (two sexes and two species) of 50 measurements for five traits variables, FL (frontal lobe size in mm), RW (rear width mm), CL (carapace length mm), CW (carapace width mm) and BD (body depth mm). In summary it is:

Factor values
sp species, B or O for Blue or Orange.
sex M or F
index index 1 to 50 within each of the four groups, 2 sex and 2 species
variable one of five variables: FL, RW, CL, CW and BD
measurement the value of one of the five variable
observation index 1 to 200 observations for each variable